March 23, 2022

In This Issue 1. Featured Article: SPSE to be reconsecrated to Jesus and Mary Tomorrow @ Noon 2. Featured Video: Watch Our New Video: “A Saint’s Evangelization Story!” 3. Story from the Street: Suburban Station 4. Story from the Street: Waiting Room...
“Two New Catholics”

“Two New Catholics”

Vermilion, OH. Click here to read more stories from our team in Vermilion, OH The following report comes to us from team leader David with our team in Vermilion, OH: When the opportunity presents itself, my team and I try to offer folks that stop to talk the chance to...
“Waiting Room Evangelization”

“Waiting Room Evangelization”

Warren, MI. Click here to read more stories from our National SPSE team in Warren, MI The following report comes to us from Michael with our National SPSE team in Warren, MI: Recently I was in a waiting room where there was almost a two hour delay before they could...
“Suburban Station”

“Suburban Station”

Philadelphia, PA. Click here to read more stories from our Lower Bucks County team in Philadelphia, PA This story comes from Deacon Mark with our team in Lower Bucks County, PA: Nancy and I were joined this blustery morning by Deacon Franz and diaconate ordinand Joe....
Mary’s Intercession

Mary’s Intercession

Mark tells us about the importance of Our Lady’s intercession. More personal...