Gaithersburg, MD

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The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD:

Since God has rescued us from the Kingdom of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of His beloved Son we need to do the same for others. Tom, Elizabeth and Annie met at the bus terminal Saturday, and God acted right away. Annie was led to talk to these three girls (unfortunately we did not get their names). As Annie started to share the Good News with them, one of the girls said she was Muslim. Annie persisted and kept on sharing the love that God has for them, one of the other girl’s eyes started to tear up. Annie has such a mother’s heart as she has six children of her own. She felt she was talking like she was talking to her own daughter. Their bus came unfortunately and Annie forgot to give them a Good News pamphlet so I followed them and got on the bus and told them about the prayer at the end of the pamphlet to give their lives to Christ. I do believe these girls will not forget this encounter. Please pray for them.

Not long after that we met a woman, whom I had met before, whose name is Lee. We asked her if she needed prayer for anything and she said yes – an ulcer which got infected. After we prayed, Elizabeth sensed that she should ask her if she needed to forgive anyone. Well this hit a nerve in her and she started to tear up. Her parents had both abused her growing up. Elizabeth led her to renounce the spirit of unforgiveness and to forgive her parents which she did and to renounce any lies that resulted in the wounding. Lee was so open and grateful to pray with us, and I told her how proud God was of her for her courage to forgive. She belongs to the Methodist church, Please pray that God would protect that act of repentance.

We also prayed with Paul who needed prayers, and again Elizabeth sensed to ask if he needed to forgive anyone. His sister had been raped and did not want to let go of the anger and unforgiveness in his heart. She said it is not a matter of feelings but an act of the will. He still did not want to forgive. Please pray that he will let go and bring that sin and pain to God. Thank you to Tom who is our Spanish evangelist who connects with many Spanish people. It was such a privileged evangelizing with Tom, Elizabeth and Annie who have such beautiful hearts in reaching out to the lost.

Praised be Jesus Christ! May God continue to bless and protect our little chapter and Our Lady guide it.