Jennings County, IN

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This report comes to us from team leader Traci with our team in Jennings County, IN:

During our very first team outing, our dear Lord was teaching us patience and diligence as no one walked up to our table or even anywhere close to ask for prayers or ask questions. This month in June we were amazed at the beautiful souls that were inspired to come talk to us. We had just set up our table when a gentleman walked up and asked for prayers for him and his family. One of our evangelists prayed one on one with him and he left. Immediately thereafter a woman walked up and began a 25 min discussion with another evangelist which ended in the evangelist giving her a Miraculous Medal and a Lighthouse Catholic Media CD. Then a gentleman walked up and began telling us that he had just become Christian and wanted to talk about the faith with us. He had been in jail in the past and was still needing strength to continue with his Christian walk. We discussed our beautiful Christian and Catholic faith with him for more than a half an hour. We invited him to visit our perpetual adoration chapel if he ever wanted a quiet place to encounter Jesus and receive strength to persevere in his Christian walk. We gave him CD’s that talked of strength of faith.

We then had a man that lives in the homeless shelter come up and notice a black plastic rosary and asked if he could have it. We gave it to him and he put it on like a necklace. He said that his older brother that had committed suicide used to have one and always wore it. We tried to discuss with him how Mary’s presence will be with him when he needs her. He talked a lot of many of his friends during COVID committing suicide and that he struggles with depression. He told us openly why he is at the homeless shelter and is grateful to have a job at the Dairy Queen. We hope he comes back to visit and talk with us next month. We ended our short 2 hour outing with 2 young girls (4yo and 10yo) that wanted rosaries. We also gave them Miraculous Medals on chains. The 10 yo talked at length and beautifully answered our questions. We were amazed at the broken and innocent souls that God sent to us to share his love with. We gained as much as we gave! We will continue to pray for these souls that have crossed our path!

Praised be Jesus Christ!