Somerville, NJ

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The following report comes to us from team leader Alpa with our Immaculate Conception parish team in Somerville, NJ:

There was one gentleman who seemed troubled. He was interested in accepting a rosary and said that he grew up Catholic. However, he said that he hadn’t gone to confession in a while, and had lost his way as a young adult. He kept refusing the rosary, on the grounds that he was not “allowed” to have it. Lord, show him your infinite mercy.

We spoke to a man who had been walking with his mother and brother. Though they continued on, he felt compelled to speak with us at our table. He was a practicing Catholic at a local parish, and said it was wonderful to see such a lively group representing our faith. He testified to a period of nonbelief during his years at college, and said a profound experience he had at a protestant church is actually what led him back to Catholicism. He emphasized that he saw the truth in Catholicism and that’s what brought him home. He expressed interest in joining our ministry and lamented the lack of community that he feels at his current parish. We exchanged contact information and prayed that his family return to the Church. Lord, help him act on your call to evangelize.

Finally, we spoke to another Catholic woman and her husband. Despite his initial disinterest in engaging, she returned to speak with us when we beckoned her over. We prayed for someone close to her who is suffering from cancer. She was very touched by our prayer and witness. Lord, we pray for her intentions.

These were the most touching interactions that we had during our hour on the street. Our new evangelists left feeling uplifted and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Praised be Jesus Christ!