Gaithersburg, MD

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The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD:

I am so grateful for our team that was out last Saturday at the bus stop. Elizabeth has a real gift for reaching out to the lost. Last February she and I prayed over Lena who had a lot of recurring health issues. We asked her if there was anyone in her past where she needed to forgive someone. It was a beautiful exchange of listening and praying that followed, as she shared with us how she was abused by both parents growing up. She was able to forgive them! I have seen her recently and reminded her of the great work that God did in her life and she was very grateful. Her ailments had cleared up also. God is good.

So grateful for Tom as we pull him in on many conversations that need help in speaking to the Spanish community there and for his caring heart. David is great for sizing up where everyone is at and for being led by the Spirit to reach out to people we have maybe missed. Alan is a real sweetheart and loves when we come around to joke with us. He is a regular at the bus stop and I try to keep him on the straight and narrow to keep him away from the drug scene and encourage him in the faith. He loves to be generous with our rosaries and handing them out to everyone.

Keep praying for Paul who was at one point free from his drug addictions but fell back and for Jose, that God will free them of their addiction and come into the fullness of God’s plan for them. There were many more encounters that everyone had. Please pray that God would continue to bless and protect our little chapter and that Our Lady would guide us.

Praised be Jesus Christ!