Frederick, MD

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The following report comes to us from team leader Stephanie with our team in Frederick, MD:

We went out on Carroll Creek in Frederick today. There were four of us. Though it was hot, we were able to talk and pray with a number of people and hand out rosaries and medals.

One interaction was notable. We had been out for about 15 minutes when we heard a guy from the other side of the creek calling to us asking, “Are you Catholic?” At first, we weren’t sure what he was saying but then we began to wonder if he was going to be hostile towards us.

He walked over the bridge to meet us. He said, “I am so glad to meet some Catholics!” He began to tell us that he and his girlfriend had had car trouble as well as health issues and were struggling with homelessness. With tears in his eyes, he told us that he was so grateful to find a rosary. He had recently gotten out of jail where he had been visited by a Catholic chaplain regularly and eventually came into the Church. He had lost his rosary after his release and when he saw us across the creek today, he realized that he could get another one and begin to pray with it again. He was so grateful! He got his rosary and we prayed with him.

After he had left us, we saw him back on the other side of the creek, kneeling while praying next to the bench that he and his girlfriend were sitting on. It was a beautiful act of faith to watch and at the end of his prayer, he made a simple sign of the cross.

Praised be Jesus Christ!