Detroit, MI

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The following report comes to us from evangelist Lexa in Detroit, MI:

At St. Christine’s Soup Kitchen in Detroit, John and I joined Anne Harman’s team for evangelization. We met a lady named Camilla and sat with her for the meal. Camilla has been through a lot. She cried several times in our conversation, but expressed that she felt good having someone to talk to. She also expressed that she wants to go to rehab for her drug addiction, but is afraid of change. John encouraged her that God wants to help her, that God will provide and take care of her. At one point in the conversation, she told me that she used to be engaged to a nice man in Maryland.. but since then, she’s gotten herself into abusive relationships and feels like she missed her shot, and that she’s too old to find love again. I told her that God’s timing is perfect, that everything happens for a reason, that she’s beautiful and has a compassionate heart, and that God would take care of her. So we began to pray. I asked God to take care of her, and she took over the prayer from there, asking God to help her and forgive her. John later led her through a prayer of deliverance from a demon she believed to be named Marlon, after she shared about a scary encounter being kidnapped and saved through prayer. We gave our phone numbers to Camilla. She expressed excitement about sharing her progress in rehab. And she saved our contact names as “Lexa New Friend” and “John New Friend” because she doesn’t have any friends and feels alone in this city.

Praised be Jesus Christ!