Boise, ID

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This report is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

A young-adult Catholic man, from out of state, stopped to tell me he’d been assigned the Confirmation name of “Joan”(after St. Joan of Arc). You could tell it bothered him. But he seemed much relieved when the evangelist let him know that there are many priest Saints who have “Mary” as part of their name, e.g., St. Anthony Mary Claret. My visitor was going to be in town for another couple of days, so I gave him a map to area parishes, showing him the thumbnail picture of the nearest parish, which would be having a 5 pm Mass that very evening,

The “slow-moving economically challenged man” stopped again. He told us his name is “Marty”. Offered a Rosary, he demurred by saying that he already had at least 4 of them from us. We encouraged him to learn how to pray it.

A family on bicycles stopped when one of the two grade-school-aged girls wanted a Rosary. I helped the two of them choose one apiece. Meanwhile, she explained the devotion to the mom, who also ended up choosing one. The dad, and the toddler in the bicycle trailer, did not take one. May God bless that family, draw them to regular prayer together, and to Faith.

The toothless woman stopped for yet another Rosary. She chose the prettiest chain-style one on the table. May God use its beauty to draw her heart to Him, to healing, and to salvation in Christ.

“Uwe” stopped briefly when the evangelist ran to talk to him. She asked about his current understanding of God. He said, essentially, that God is Mother Nature. He sees God as all-good, omnipresent, and exclusively feminine, and repeated that he worships nature. Questions for next time: how does he reconcile his “nature is always kind” belief during the times when “nature” turns violent? when animals devour one another? May God bless Uwe and draw him to Himself, the one true God.

Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 1 map to area parishes, and 1 Divine Mercy bookmark.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts.