Cambridge, MA

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This following is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Marissa with our team in Cambridge, MA:

Soon after, we spoke with another woman who had recently gotten into a graduate program in the Boston area. When we approached her, she was remarkably receptive. A fellow evangelist who was looking on said that the rapport was so strong so fast that he thought we already knew her! In the course of our conversation, we learned that she grew up Catholic and that her family is quite devout. She said it in a way that distanced herself a bit from their devoutness, so we inferred that she didn’t identify as strongly with the faith as her family did. She seemed very receptive to it, though. In another serendipitous turn of events, I knew of a ministry that would be a good match for her based on other things she said, so I got her contact information and will be connecting her to that.

The final story I’d like to share is one that I was not directly involved with, so I don’t have all the details. But here’s what I do know. Two of my fellow evangelists spoke at length (perhaps a half hour) with a very inquisitive and receptive college student. She was waiting for her friend, who was running late, to arrive at the station. (I’m just imagining God slowing down the buses in order to provide the time for this encounter.) This woman had a lot of questions and was intently listening to the answers. I got a small taste of this when a fellow evangelist referred to me a question about why “You are dust and to dust you shall return” is said when applying ashes to foreheads on Ash Wednesday. My fellow evangelist ended up getting her number and texted her some online resources for learning more about the faith.

Despite the rain–and despite any unideal circumstances–God blessed us with a fruitful outing today. A fellow evangelist remarked afterwards that our encounters gave her a sense of reinvigoration. I very much feel the same way! Please pray for all we encountered today, that they will continue to grow closer to the Lord!