Detroit, MI

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This report comes to us from evangelist Michael with our Eastern Market team in Detroit, MI:

While recently in Germany and the Czech Republic to accompany my wife while she had job training, and then taking another week of vacation after that, I was able to do some simple evangelization. After staying at a hotel in Paderborn, Germany for one week and a hotel in Berlin for three nights, I left a tip for the maid service and a small cross blessed by Pope Francis, and a note explaining where the cross came from and letting them know that God loves them.

Later on, while visiting Munich, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit the Hofbrauhaus, where the seating is communal. We sat next to a couple from Chicago who had just been to Rome for a friend’s wedding. They explained how they saw St. Peter’s and how it was worth it even though it was terribly crowded. After chatting for a good 10-15 minutes, my wife and I prepared to leave. Then I felt an interior nudge that I should give them each a small crucifix blessed by Pope Franics, so I did. (It also seemed appropriate since they had just visited the Vatican.) They seemed surprised but grateful. I pray that all of those who received a crucifix grow in their love of Jesus and eventually be saved.

Praised be Jesus Christ!