Somerville, NJ
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This report comes to us from evangelist Michael with our Somerville – Immaculate Conception parish team in NJ:
Though it was a bit cold on the streets of Somerville last night, we had several providential encounters.
For example, we had Richard stop, who was formerly homeless and on drugs, but has since found housing and is in recovery. He was a jubilant chap, who was on fire for the Lord and told us how he prayed at one point to be free of his addiction and felt the effects soon after, which told him that God is real! He is now a believer. He took a Rosary and a pamphlet on saying it, and we prayed with him for his needs and intentions. His joy for the Lord and his story inspired us too!
We also met Karen and Sarah who were both Catholics and wanted prayers for others, so we prayed with them. However, when asking about attending Confession, Karen took a pamphlet on the Sacrament.
We also encountered Alex, who was with his mother and son. We prayed with and for them, and got to chat with his son, who was in elementary school and is already saying the Rosary! We talked with him about God’s love and presence in his life, and he seemed to acknowledge both, which was a blessing!
We hope that those we encountered and those who did not stop at least are reminded of God’s presence in their lives!
Praised be Jesus Christ!