Detroit, MI
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The following report comes to us from team leader Patti with our St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen team in Detroit, MI:
A few weeks ago, teammate Karen and I spent some time outdoors at SVDP Thrift Store in Utica (as seen in the first picture). It was a beautiful fall day with the sun shining brightly. Michigan was blessed with a lovely fall this year! The first hour was quiet but filled with many smiles and thumbs up kudos for what we do…although we all know it’s what Jesus and the Holy Spirit do while watching over us. Then came many interactions like the young mom that came by with her little boy (pictured). She told us she had 4 children and asked if she could have a decade ring for each as she felt it would keep each of them safe. Tim came by and told us that he could not believe we were there as he had recently lost the St. Peter’s medal he was wearing and was so pleased when he saw a Crucifix! He asked us several times if he could give a donation. We thanked him but told him we don’t accept donations for the religious items. He asked us, “Why do you do this?” We told him that it was what Jesus wants us to do. He thanked us, and walked away with a big smile and a new metal:-) Jeanie asked us to pray for her daughter’s arm to heal so we prayed together. We have chairs set up so guests can choose to sit down with us in personal prayer. Barb had many stories to tell us and started to pray, even before we suggested it. Many others wanted to pray for peace. Thanks to Jesus, we had a wonderful day!
Last week we evangelized at St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen Detroit, pictured above. Jay the director posted pictures on Facebook with a very nice comment about us: “It’s always a better day when the St. Paul (Street Evangelization) Team comes to offer prayers and brightens our soup kitchen”. Over a dozen folks asked to pray with us and many signed our sheet asking for our church to continue prayers for them. We also have a sheet available wherever we evangelize that lists nearby churches. We were pleased to see that several folks wanted them. Walter asked to pray for family protection, Allisha for housing, Carmela for transportation, and Grandma Cheryl, raising two young children for extra prayers for her son who was diagnosed with lymphoma. The prayers and interactions were many with so many countless needs. Thank you to the Holy Spirit for helping us to find the right words for all these folks. We look forward to our December visit when we will come with Blessing Bags for each.
Praised be Jesus Christ!