Boise, ID
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The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:
Three Catholic adults, two women and a man, on electric scooters zoomed past then circled back, led by one of the women. She, the youngest woman, spoke English and translated for the other two. She was from out of state and here to visit family for Thanksgiving. She was surprised by what we were doing and kept asking why we were giving away Rosaries. As she came to understand our purpose, she exclaimed that she had never seen such a thing done where she was from. We told her she could be the first in her community to set up an SPSE table and spread the Good News. The other woman understood some English, but the man had very little. We set each of the three up with a Rosary and its pamphlet, in English (1) or Spanish (2). The two non-English speakers were from the local area. Pray that all three listen for and heed the Holy Spirit’s call to serve God, no matter their vocation.
As the evangelists were distracted and looking the other way a man came to the table unbidden, wanting a Rosary for his daughter. All he said was that he was not Catholic but he was married to one. He also told us there was a non-Christian religious group on the other side of the construction zone giving away popcorn which, he seemed to imply, was equivalent to what we were doing. Pray that his eyes are opened to the True, Substantial Food to be found in the Catholic Church and that his family becomes united in faith.
A man almost shrugged off our offer then turned to the table and chose a Rosary. He said he had been raised Catholic but had tried many other denominations/religions and knew all about “sacraments and ordinances” but was at the point where he trusted only his own judgment when it came to God. He did not stay to hear us offer him a way back to the Church. Pray that Our Lady’s humble faith will become his model so that he will say “may it be done to me according to Your word” instead of relying on his own easily deceived understanding.
During the session, we saw a slighter larger percentage than usual of Catholics, who encouraged their companion(s) to get a Rosary. God granted us beautiful calm sunshine and clear blue sky. Lots of people were out, so we quickly made up our previous week’s shortfall stemming from inclement weather. Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and 1-2 St Michael prayer cards.