Boise, ID

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The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

A Catholic couple paused briefly so the man could ask us to pray for “Tom”, his recently deceased nephew. Eternal rest grant unto Tom, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Through Your Mercy, may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

A soft-spoken man in iridescent sunglasses came to the table and said he had grown up Catholic but didn’t remember how to pray the Rosary. We helped him out then asked him why he was no longer an active Catholic. He shrugged and said a big non-Catholic church was next door to his house and it was more convenient to attend there. We offered that he was missing out on the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. He shrugged again and said he had no problem going to a Catholic Church, but the other one was just next door so it was easier. I gave him a map to area parishes and we urged him to seek God’s guidance in where to go to church by praying the Rosary. Pray that his eyes are opened to the truth, beauty, and authority of the Catholic Church and his need for it.

A man who rides by on his bike every week stopped and let us know he worked nearby, which was why we saw him so often. He said he appreciated our positive presence every week, but declined a Rosary because he didn’t really believe in anything except loving people. Chuck said that was a good start, but that loving God was a better basis for life. The man hedged, implying that he could maybe think God was okay, but that religion had too many unloving ideas like hell, etc. As the evangelist began to reply, our visitor said he didn’t really want to get into a discussion, and he just wanted to stop and say hi. He left with a cordial handshake. Please pray the evangelist can remember his name and that the man will be willing to stop again and risk a deeper conversation.

Altogether, we gave away 15-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet and a map to area parishes.

Praised be Jesus Christ!