Cambridge, MA

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This following is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Marissa with our team in Cambridge, MA:

Another conversation we had was with a middle-aged woman who had grown up Muslim in Iran, though she no longer considers herself religious. She had read a book called Zealot, which she told us is about a Muslim who converts to Christianity. So we talked a bit about that. We also got into a discussion about whether Jesus is God or not, which brought us to C.S. Lewis’s “Lord, Liar, or Lunatic” argument, which seemed to resonate with her. When we asked this woman for her prayer intentions, she said something quite beautiful. She said she wants a place that feels like home, that she has found herself living in many different places and just wants to feel rooted. We prayed with her for that. We ask that you’ll also pray for her!

Finally, we had a brief conversation with a couple of MIT undergrads – an electrical engineer and a computer scientist (the latter of which is my field, so we were able to connect over that). The two students accepted rosaries and pamphlets on how to pray the rosary. We asked whether they had any sort of religious background. Neither did, but one of them said that he is open. We told them about the FOCUS chapter at MIT. I wish I’d asked the open one whether he had any questions we could try to help with…but the conversation just sort of wrapped up. God will take care of the rest! Please pray for these two!

Praised be Jesus Christ!