Rochester, NY
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This report comes to us from team leader Scott, who leads teams in Watertown and Syracuse, NY:
My wife Leanna is getting a live kidney transplant at 8pm on Ash Wednesday at University of Rochester Hospital NY. Please pray for her. Thank you.
Also, I got a good chance to evangelize recently without hitting the streets. I donated my kidney to a stranger in Rochester on the Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6, 2024, so my wife now is using that live kidney donor voucher I gave her. The hospital reached out to me and wanted to put my face and name along with a little bit of something about myself on an organ donation digital wall in the public for all to see in the hospital. This is to be revealed on Lazarus day, the day before Palm Sunday in April. At first, I didn’t want to do it because of potential pride, but then I realized in prayer it was an opportunity to share the Gospel. The evangelizing season was cut short for me last summer once I had to donate a kidney and recover, so I jumped on the opportunity to proclaim the gospel.
For the wall memorial, I added an old picture my wife took of me praying the rosary, and in the small comment section for all to see I inscribed the following:
“Former atheist converted by Christ.” Also, I added this: “Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him!”
Rochester got back with me and said they will put it up on display – in a hospital with a high population of Muslims. Hopefully, many people see this and come to the truth of Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise be Jesus Christ!