Galveston, TX
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The following report comes to us from team leader Janet with our team in Galveston, TX:
Our evangelization team was out on Saturday, March 1st and as usual we had a variety of people interested in our rosaries, Miraculous Medals and brochures. I noticed a young man standing a short distance away from our table and he looked like he was interested in the rosaries. So, I approached him and invited him closer to take a look at the rosaries and I asked him if he would like one. He chose a white rosary (we have multiple colors) and I also gave him a brochure on how to pray the rosary. He seemed appreciative of the items so I asked him if he would like prayer for anything going on in his life. I read prayer suggestions from our sign that people struggle with in life and he said that he was struggling with depression. I took him aside to pray for him and he also revealed to me that he was unemployed. I asked him about his faith and he told me that he had been raised Catholic and that he had made his First communion but he had not been to Mass for a long time. I began praying for him and while I was praying his tears started flowing. I know Jesus wants to heal his wounds and bring him back to the sacraments so, I encouraged him to go to confession to unburden himself from the sins of his past. He looked surprised as though his sins were not forgivable, but I told him that he would be unburdened and the guilt and remorse he was feeling would be gone with the words of absolution from the priest. We found a Catholic church about two miles away and asked him to come back later in the afternoon and that someone would be willing to drive him over for confession since he had no car. But, sadly, he did not return. We’ll continue to keep him in prayer. We are instruments of God when we evangelize and it is Jesus who will do the work in drawing this man back to Him. And, yes, Jesus can and does forgive sins, even the worst ones because He is the Divine Healer!
Praised be Jesus Christ!