Boise, ID
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This report is the second in a two-part series from team leader Lucy in Boise, Idaho:
A group of four young adults stopped. One of the men, who had enthusiastically accepted our offer of a free Rosary, told us he was in OCIA at a local parish. His three companions also chose a Rosary apiece. May God lead them all into full communion in the Catholic Church and salvation!
A dad and preschool daughter didn’t respond to our offer of a free Rosary. Following close behind, though, was an older woman guiding another preschooler by hand. The grandmother headed to the table and helped the youngster choose a Rosary. May God bless faithful grandparents!
Four cheerful and friendly college-aged women stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. Each of the four women accepted a Rosary, the pamphlet on how to pray it, and a Divine Mercy prayer card. We encouraged them to pray together. May God confirm the Catholic in her Faith and lead all of them to holiness and salvation!
A homeless, older man stopped for a Rosary. He looked over all the pastel and brightly colored ones we had on the table, and expressed a desire for a black one. Unfortunately, we rarely receive black Rosaries to give away. So, he looked for something else in “a masculine color”. I think he finally chose a dark-green one. May God bless him, heal him, and save him!
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 1 Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer card, and 4 Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.