Lacona, IA
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The following report comes to us from team leader Shaun with our team in Lacona, IA:
Our team recently went to our capital, Des Moines, to the St Patrick’s Day Parade. We parked north of the Cathedral and walked down the street and set up in front of the diocesan office. Conveniently, the parade ran right in front of us, so it worked out well. I had my mobile evangelization unit, and we wound up walking around a bit too and talking to people, handing out St Patrick’s Day prayer cards. They went over really well! Also I handed out probably a dozen rosaries and a couple of medals. I prayed for people struggling with addictions and other personal issues. After chatting for a bit, I invited two people to become Catholic. Also, I talked to some Protestants who were walking around evangelizing. I think all in all, it went very well! St Patrick, pray for us!
Praised be Jesus Christ!