Chicago, IL

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This report comes to us from evangelist Roberta in Chicago, IL:

I use Uber to go to church three days a week. One day, I met a driver named Ladonna. It was extremely apparent that the Holy Spirit placed me in her car intentionally. We had an unbelievable number of things in common, and after we had talked about how similar our lives were, we talked about God. She told me she was an evangelist for God as a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I noticed how she had evangelization pamphlets on the back seats for her passengers to take. I told her I was an evangelist too, but for the Catholic Church. Then I asked her to tell me her story about how she became a Jehovah’s Witness. After telling me how she saw a dramatic change in her mother’s lifestyle after becoming a member and how her mother gave her a book to read, I asked her what the book was and who wrote it. She sounded slightly nervous and didn’t give me a direct answer. Then she explained that she only believed in the Bible and not in the Holy Trinity. We did find some similar beliefs, such as how those who go to Heaven receive a glorified body in Heaven after death without any illnesses, pain, aches, disabilities, and we won’t even need glasses. When I arrived home, she said, “Roberta, it was such an honor to meet you and speak with you!” I said, “Yes, it was an honor for me to have this wonderful conversation with you! Thank you for driving me home! I have a gift for you if you’ll accept it.” She said excitedly, “Yes, I will!” Then I handed her a SPSE “Good News” pamphlet, a how-to-pray-the-rosary pamphlet, a glow-in-the-dark rosary, and a Divine Mercy prayer card. She was overjoyed and said she had a gift for me too, and asked me to take one of the pamphlets she had in the back seats. I said to her, I hope she would actually read the “Good News” pamphlet I gave her. She said she would, and we wished each other, “God bless you!” The people we meet in life are not coincidences. I wish I was able to prove the Holy Trinity in Scripture for her during our car conversation.

Usually, the Holy Spirit provides an entryway for the driver and I to go into the discussion on faith. For example, the driver will ask me where I am going, and I would tell them I am going to Mass at church. Other times, they would ask me about the supportive living community where I live and why I live there. So that opens the door for me to share my personal testimony with them. Sometimes, I would notice what is hanging from their rearview mirror, such as a rosary or other types of religious articles, and I would ask them about it. Other times, they would ask me about how my weekend went, and I would share with them that I went to church with my parents on Sunday.

Praised be Jesus Christ!