Chicago, IL

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This report comes to us from evangelist Roberta in Chicago, IL:

On another day, I met a driver named Mohamed from Morocco. It was interesting because he brought up God first. He was telling me about how he had taken his wife and daughter to downtown Chicago and how he had parked his car on the street only to return to it later on right before it was about to get towed. He said sincerely, “Thank God. Thank God.” I replied, “Yeah, God always takes care of us.” He replied nodding, “He does.” Then I asked him, “You said that you only work six days a week, so I’m assuming you don’t work on Sundays? (He said, “Yes.”) Do you go to church on Sundays?” He replied, “No, I don’t have time. I have to take my family shopping.” I replied, “You know, I think it’s really important to take care of our soul. Our body will eventually die. We all die, right? But our soul lives forever.” He agreed, “Yeah, yeah, you’re absolutely right.” I continued, “Even if we sacrifice just one hour of our time on Sundays, I think it’s worth it, to nourish our soul and to nurture our relationship with God.” He said, “Yes, I agree. I need to work on that.” When I arrived home, I gave him a SPSE “Good News” pamphlet, which he gladly accepted with a smile. He said, “Thank you for giving me the delight of having this wonderful conversation with you!” I replied, “Thank you for giving me the honor of speaking with you! God bless you!” I wish I had more time to dig deeper into his faith journey.

I have noticed that God sends me many Uber drivers who are fallen-away Catholics. One day, the Holy Spirit sent me William. He told me he was a non-practicing Catholic and that his wife was a Methodist. He said, “We are searching for the truth.” After talking about God for a while, I said to him, “Well maybe you will find the truth in this” as I handed him the SPSE “Good News” pamphlet and a Divine Mercy prayer card. He joyously accepted these gifts as I said, “God bless you, William!” I wish I had talked to him more about how the Catholic Church is the one true church.

If I see any of them again, I will definitely continue the conversation about God with them and share the Gospel in a more extensive way.

Praised be Jesus Christ!