June 03, 2020

June 2020

June 2020 View Full Newsletter Hi team leaders! It’s June, and you know what June means — well, maybe ya don’t. The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. God is Love and the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the human manifestation of God’s Love...

How to Set Up Your Profile

Tech Tips How to Set Up Your Profile We get a lot of traffic on the SPSE Locations page from people who are interested in evangelizing. They see all of our teams and can read the blogs you’ve posted. Of course, we would also like for them to learn more about you, our...
David Brandt (Berkeley, CA)

David Brandt (Berkeley, CA)

• Berkley, CA team leader • Started with SPSE in 2014 • David gathered together a few friends to start the Berkley team about 6 years ago. Then others who heard about SPSE sought him out and joined the group and now there are about 10 on the team. You can find them...
Joseph Carton (San Diego – East County)

Joseph Carton (San Diego – East County)

• San Diego – East County team leader • Started team in 2015 • Joseph started an SPSE team with his wife Eileen after joining an existing SPSE team on an outing. Joseph’s team of evangelists has grown so much over the years that he was able to plant a second...