Flea Market Evangelization

Pendergrass, GA. Our evangelists don’t only evangelize on the streets. We’ve had teams set up at festivals, conferences, airports, parish events, homeless shelters, and more. Team leader Pablo of the Prince of Peace SPSE team in Atlanta recently sent us a report on...

Prayer and Free Will

Phoenix, AZ. Does praying for someone disrespect their free will? That is what one person suggested to the Phoenix, North West team during one of their recent outings. The man’s name was “Nick.” The team actually met him at the “First Friday Artwalk” on a previous...

“Wonderful Encounters with People” at the Farmer’s Market

From Father Mike, of the Rochester, New York Team: At a past outing to the Geneva Farmers Market evangelizers had the opportunity to pray with a young woman who was returning home to Ohio. She had come to Geneva to be with her birth mother, but the relationship did...

“Speaking of Prayer…”

Portland, OR. This picture captures two great conversations. In the background you see Josh speaking to a young man who unexpectedly approached and asked for a rosary. Josh gave him the rosary and explained to him that it was a prayer. “Speaking of prayer,” the man...

West End Fair

Here is a report from Ed, coordinator of the Sierra Vista, Arizona SPSE team: In April, my pastor Father Greg asked me to get a booth for the upcoming West End Fair. So I did. We had a fantastic booth. I had ordered all the new colored pamphlets and many medals, and...