Catholic Teens in DC

Teens from the Diocese of Lansing, MI, went to the national March for Life in Washington, DC, joining hundreds of thousands of others on the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision. The young Catholics were led by SPSE program director, Adam Janke, who has brought...

“Just Lay People Spreading God’s Truth”

During their recent outing, the Enterprise, AL, team received a repeat visitor. Veteran evangelist Mikey Torres recalls that on the woman’s first visit, she had asked why Catholics confess to a priest. Satisfied with the team’s Biblical explanation for the practice,...

The Answer to Fear

SPSE’s San Francisco team found the Civic Center a great place to encounter people of ALL types: professionals, city and county employees, lawyers, law students, professors, homeless, and local residents. But what did the team say? What one thing did most all have in...

Fr. Fox on the Gospel: Repent, Believe, and Fish!

HOMILY, Third Sunday of Ordinary Time: January 25, 2015 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( Repent, believe…and fish? In today’s Gospel we cross a kind of boundary line, and begin to see John the Baptist...

The Bible & The Rosary

The weather finally turned favorable in Enterprise, AL, so the SPSE team was evangelizing. They spoke with many people who were also out enjoying the good weather. One couple was new to the area. The wife was looking for a Catholic parish and her husband, although not...