“The Church Called Catholic”

“The Church Called Catholic”

Bisbee, Arizona. “So much must the Protestant grant, that if such a system of doctrine as he would now introduce ever existed in early times, it has been clean swept away as if by a deluge, suddenly, silently, and without memorial.” These are the words of the late...
“Coming Back To Give Thanks”

“Coming Back To Give Thanks”

Philadelphia, PA. In the Scripture, we see our Lord Jesus healing ten lepers (Lk 17:11-19). Nine go on their way, but one returns to give thanks. It is interesting to note, isn’t it–the one who felt compelled to return to thank the Lord for his healing, for what...
“The Rosary Is A Meditation”

“The Rosary Is A Meditation”

Detroit, Michigan. Sometimes the holy cards, medals, and rosaries we give out when we evangelize can be seen as foreign or esoteric objects. But they are all signs that point us to Christ. We can learn to pray the rosary just like we learn how to read or write. You...
“He was Muslim and was curious about the rosary”

“He was Muslim and was curious about the rosary”

Berkeley, California. We had a four man crew working in Downtown Berkeley yesterday, Eddie, Chuck, Rodney and Dave. Normally, when we work downtown on Shattuck Avenue, it is at the plaza outside the Berkeley BART station. Because we were now directly outside the BART...
“Eyes That See”

“Eyes That See”

Brighton, MIchigan. We all have different gifts in the work of drawing people to Christ and His Church. St. Paul wrote, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects,...