If You Ask Jesus, They Will Come

Gaithersburg, MD. We are in the process of developing a series of small group meetings for helping bring seekers closer to entrance into the Church. While doing street evangelization, we can invite people to join us at a regular, weekly small group meeting. Joanne,...

Building a Relationship with God

This report comes from Donna, of the South Windsor SPSE team: We were in downtown Manchester in a great location, right in front of the park and near the bus stop. Because it was such a high-traffic area, we were able to talk to many people. Among them was Chris, who...

“Snow Day” – A Report from Team Tyler

Tyler, TX. The Tyler St. Paul Street Evangelization Team went out to a local park that was hosting a fun day for children with a craft bazaar as well. If you do not live in the south you may find this quite strange, but once a year the city of Tyler has a “snow...

Discipleship and the Direct Approach

Baltimore, MD. Catholicism is not a do-it-yourself activity. Christianity is not a club. Faith is not a feeling. … What are they, then? Catholicism is a new, different way of living. Christianity is a discipleship. Faith is an obedience. Recently, some of our...

The Importance of Prayer

Snellville, GA. One of the most important aspects of what we do on the streets is pray for people. Prayer is where things happen. Prayer is where we give God permission to do what He does best. Prayer manifests the hearts of those praying and those prayed for. Prayer...

A New Usual Spot

Snellville, GA. Pablo and Don came to Snellville to evangelize at the newly designed and renovated Towne Green during the weekly farmers market. They are team members from Prince of Peace parish. They handed out dozens of rosaries and tracts on how to pray the rosary....