Sharing Our Talents

Lincoln, NE. Here is a report from Wayne, of the Lincoln SPSE team: Seven evangelists made it out to the farmer’s market in the Hay Market: Wayne, Michael, Paul, Fr. Steele, Mary, Scott, and Sue. Our blessed Mother Mary came through in a huge way on the feast of her...

St. Anthony, Help Us Find the Lost

Cortland, NY. Here is a report from Caleb, of the Cortland team: What an amazing two days! I set up the table and sign at our local St. Anthony’s Italian Festival on both Saturday evening and Sunday. A lot of people both Catholic and non-Catholic were curious...

A Family Affair

Gaithersburg, MD. Here is a great post from one of our Urban Missionaries, Joanne: Meet Tobias. He is not our youngest evangelist, but he sure comes close, being only four years old. Certainly one of the cutest, he may also be among our best! But can kids spread the...

Curbside Confessions!

Royal Oak, MI. Beth reported that they were blessed to have Father Patrick join their street evangelization team. Father Patrick blessed the people he met, answered questions about the Catholic faith, heard confessions, and had a great time visiting with everyone he...

Fallen-Away Catholics

Wayne sends us this report from Lincoln, NE. He, along with Mary and Russ, were evangelizing at the Farmer’s Market in the Hay Market. According to Russ, they met quite a few Catholics that day, most of whom appreciated seeing Catholics evangelizing on the street – a...

“I want to become righteous and holy”

Detroit, MI. Some members of a few of our Detroit teams were recently evangelizing at a soup kitchen at All Saints Catholic Church in Detroit. Here are a couple of their encounters: Maisa had one conversation with a man named John. She offered him a rosary after he...