Simple, and Effective

Phoenix, AZ. The Phoenix Northwest St Paul Street Evangelization team has discovered a few easy, inexpensive, and effective ways to reach non-Catholics with sacramentals. In the picture here, we see Sharon speaking with a father and son. The team often offers a Saint...

“Do you know the power you have as a deacon?”

Austin, TX. The ordained ministry of the deacon is a great gift which the Lord has given to the Church. In the Acts of the Apostles, the first deacons are created as servant-helpers in the Christian community, allowing the Apostles to focus on the preaching of the...

Training Deacons-In-Training

Austin, TX. St. Paul Street Evangelization teamed up with the vocations office in the Diocese of Austin, TX to train all 56 of their men in formation for the permanent deaconate along with their wives. The training was offered in English and in Spanish by our program...

Serving the Needs of Both Body and Soul

Atlanta, GA. Some members of the SPSE Atlanta team recently traveled to west Atlanta to evangelize and minister to the homeless in the area. They gave food, and handed out backpacks with comfort and personal items in them – blankets, rosaries, miraculous medals, and...

We Must Pray to Be Saved (Repost)

Detroit, MI. As St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote, you have to pray to be saved. In order to go to heaven when we die, we must have established some kind of friendship with God. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” But you can’t be in...

Discipleship and the Direct Approach (Repost)

Baltimore, MD. Catholicism is not a do-it-yourself activity. Christianity is not a club. Faith is not a feeling. … What are they, then? Catholicism is a new, different way of living. Christianity is a discipleship. Faith is an obedience. Recently, some of our...