Restaurant Evangelization

Milwaukee, WI. Once they’ve started to evangelize on the streets, many of our evangelists branch out and do the same in their everyday life. They engage in what might be called grocery store, gas station, or restaurant evangelization. Case in point – Dave, of the...

Show Me A Sign, O Lord

Baltimore, MD. Many people look for signs from God. Some of these people need no sign; they know what they should do, but they ask for signs as a way of avoiding God. As Christ said, “A wicked and perverse generation seeks a sign. But no sign will be given it except...

Going on the Offensive

Milwaukee, WI. A first-time street-evangelizer learns certain truths very quickly. One of these truths is, simply: You gotta reach out; you gotta initiate! For the first outing of the new Milwaukee team, Dave and Tom set up their table in downtown Milwaukee along the...

Discipleship and the Direct Approach

Baltimore, MD. Catholicism is not a do-it-yourself activity. Christianity is not a club. Faith is not a feeling. … What are they, then? Catholicism is a new, different way of living. Christianity is a discipleship. Faith is an obedience. Recently, some of our...

Fatima and the Signs of the Times

Baltimore, MD. Most Catholics are aware of the apparitions and messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary which came to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal, and the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima derived from it. Many Catholics and others are also aware of the...

“She seemed to breeze through it all!”

Sugar Land, TX. Here are excerpts from a report coming from Marta, of the St. Laurence SPSE team: “On Saturday, October 3, Michelle and I went to Oyster Creek Park in Sugar Land, Texas at 8 am. At 10 am, Maria joined us for 30 minutes. Many people were at the park...