“The Fullness of the Faith”

Indianapolis, IN. Peter Lamporte teams up with SPSE founder Steve Dawson, taking the faith to the streets of Indianapolis, IN. The two just walked down the street, talking to people. In this picture, we see Peter putting a miraculous medal on a man they spoke to for a...

“Overjoyed to Evangelize”

SPSE’s team in South Windsor, CT, reports great success. They attend events such as the town’s annual Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair. The team’s pastor and other priests from their parish support their evangelization efforts, and even plan to join them on future...

Million Dollar Evangelization

Here, we see St. Paul Street evangelist Peter doing “airport evangelization” with our now famous Pope Francis million dollar bill tract. These tracts are great ice breakers to start conversations anywhere, anytime – on the street, at the park, at a coffee...

A Beacon of Light

Street Evangelist Pedro speaks with students from Indiana University, in the exact spot where many claim the Sexual Revolution took off in the United States. The university is a bastion of liberal thought and anti-Christian sentiments even to this day. Not...

A New Man

Here we see evangelist Maisa speaking with folks about the Catholic faith during a recent event out in front of the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica. In one conversation, our evangelists spoke to a man who was a fallen away Catholic. We told him of the...

Diner Evangelization

St. Paul Street Evangelists, Steve Dawson and Peter Lamporte were chatting at a local diner and decided to offer their peppy waitress a Miraculous Medal. The waitress gladly accepted the medal and some holy cards that explained the meaning of the Miraculous Medal and...