by dmarcum | Aug 19, 2020 | Newsletters, Uncategorized
Like Tweet Pin +1 in In This Issue 1. Featured: Our New West Coast Virtual School Brings the Classroom To You! 2. Story from the Street: We Trust The Good Lord 3. Story from the Street: His Mercies Are New Every Morning Our New West Coast Virtual School Brings the...
by Michael Miller | Nov 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
Philadelphia, PA. Joy. It is a short little word that brings big a great big punch! For a Christian, it has everything to do with complete trust in God’s love and promises for His children. When we as evangelists are told that we bring joy, it is a great...
by Mark Hornbacher | Aug 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Austin, TX. St. Paul Street Evangelization teamed up with the vocations office in the Diocese of Austin, TX to train all 56 of their men in formation for the permanent deaconate along with their wives. The training was offered in English and in Spanish by our program...
by Mark Hornbacher | Aug 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dallas, TX. Gene had a forty-five minute to one hour conversation with this non-denominational gentleman who said he ministers to the homeless. The gentleman had many disagreements with Catholic doctrine. They covered many subjects including Papal Infallibility (which...
by Mark Hornbacher | Aug 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
Austin, TX. On-the-spot conversions do not happen every time one of our teams hit the streets, but they do happen. When they happen, that is, when a sinner repents and gives (or re-gives) his life to Christ, we can be certain that the Holy Spirit has come in power,...
by Mark Hornbacher | Aug 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Bloomington, IN. When Jesus went around Galilee, Judea, and the surrounding areas proclaiming the coming of God’s kingdom in himself, his words were accompanied with miraculous deeds which, for many of his hearers, served to confirm his divine origins. Miraculous...