Featured Story

Still Seasonal

Boise, ID Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: In the lull between holidays, the message of Jesus Christ still resounds. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise...

Archived Stories

“I Love You and There’s Nothing You Can Do About It”

“I Love You and There’s Nothing You Can Do About It”

Anderson, SC Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Caleb with our team in Greenville, SC: It was hot and dusty today, as I stood next to our table and handed out over 100 Gospel cards in both English and...

“Hindu Conversion”

“Hindu Conversion”

Ann Arbor, MI Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Daniel with our St. Benedict parish team in Waterford, MI: On July 22, I had the opportunity to evangelize at the Ann Arbor Art Fair during Immersion....

“First Outing, Pt. 2”

“First Outing, Pt. 2”

Liberty, MO Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report is a continuation from part one, which comes to us from team leader John with our team in Liberty, MO: We prayed for Angela who was on crutches and recovering from a recent knee...

“God is Full of Surprises”

“God is Full of Surprises”

Gaithersburg, MD Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD: I am so grateful for our team that was out last Saturday at the bus stop. Elizabeth has a real gift for...

“Hot at the Lot, Pt. 1”

“Hot at the Lot, Pt. 1”

Belton, SC Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Caleb with our team in Greenville, SC: Despite the heat, Ernesto and I had another great day of evangelizing at the Anderson Jockey Lot! I got the canopy...

“Blessings, Pt. 1”

“Blessings, Pt. 1”

Rochester, MN Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Deb with our team in Owatonna, MN: Our teams go out to the Peace Plaza outside the Mayo Clinic twice a month from Spring to Fall. As usual, the outings...

Nothing But Charity Will Change the World

Nothing But Charity Will Change the World

Gaithersburg, MD Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD: "Nothing but charity will change the world." This is a quote by St. Giuseppe Moscoti, Doctor to the Poor in...

“Main Street, Pt. 2”

“Main Street, Pt. 2”

Somerville, NJ Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Alpa with our Immaculate Conception parish team in Somerville, NJ: There was one gentleman who seemed troubled. He was interested in accepting a rosary...

“Main Street, Pt. 1”

“Main Street, Pt. 1”

Somerville, NJ Click here to find a team or start one of your own! The following report comes to us from team leader Alpa with our Immaculate Conception parish team in Somerville, NJ: Today our three newest evangelists met up at our usual spot on Main Street in...

“We Gained as Much as We Gave”

“We Gained as Much as We Gave”

Jennings County, IN Click here to find a team or start one of your own! This report comes to us from team leader Traci with our team in Jennings County, IN: During our very first team outing, our dear Lord was teaching us patience and diligence as no one walked up to...


Ep. 2: Evangelization Club

This episode we interview Deacon Patrick May who is the president of the Evangelization Club at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary. We talk specifically about the evangelization club missions on college campus's where a large group of seminarians flood a college campus for a...

Ep. 2: Evangelization Club

This episode we interview Deacon Patrick May who is the president of the Evangelization Club at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary. We talk specifically about the evangelization club missions on college campus's where a large group of seminarians flood a college campus for a...

Ep. 1: SPSE-What is our Why

This episode Brian and Beth interview Steve Dawson, the founder of Saint Paul Street Evangelization, and Mark Hornbacher the Associate Director of Operations and Theology Chair. We discuss what is Saint Paul Street Evangelization, why it exist, and where it will be...

Ep. 1: SPSE-What is our Why

This episode Brian and Beth interview Steve Dawson, the founder of Saint Paul Street Evangelization, and Mark Hornbacher the Associate Director of Operations and Theology Chair. We discuss what is Saint Paul Street Evangelization, why it exist, and where it will be...

An Interview with Dr. John Bersgma

Yes, There is a God An interview with Dr. John Bergsma We are joined today by Dr. John Bergsma for an interview about his new book, "Yes, There is a God and Other Answers to Life's Big Questions." Dr. Bergsma is a member of our Board of Advisers and does street...

Rituals and Relationships

Many of our local evangelical non-Catholic churches are filled with former Catholics. When you ask the pastors of these parishes what they think about the Catholic faith they will tell you that Christianity is about a relationship and not a ritual. In their worldview...

Are All Churches the Same?

Are All Churches the Same? Plymouth, MI. Are all churches basically the same? Does it matter which church you belong to? On the one hand, it can seem like maybe it doesn’t matter. Salvation comes from living faith in Jesus Christ, and many churches seem to inculcate...

I’ll never be good at sharing my faith.

Today our national director, Steve Dawson, talks about some of the misconceptions of evangelization, especially that evangelization means apologetics. Misconceptions about evangelization: Evangelization is primarily a work of apologetics. If a person knows apologetics...

Evangelizing Jehovah Witnesses

The Boise team showed up downtown at the same time that a Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) convention was being held. This turned out to be an interesting encounter with some JWs who came up to ‘preach’ to the Catholic team. The JW insisted that believers are to address God...

Intellectual acceptance?

Some evangelical protestants like to pass out creative looking tracts to catch people’s attention and plant seeds about their understanding of the Gospel. While their efforts are commendable, they almost always contain teachings that do not capture the whole truth...
