“A Prodigal Son” (Re-post)

Santa Clarita, CA. Sometimes, to get someone back on the right path, you just need to be in the right place, at the right time. The Santa Clarita, California SPSE team set up outside a large department store (with permission, of course!), and spoke to many people over...


Bloomington, IN. Scott, director of religious education for St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in Bloomington, joined the Indiana University SPSE team for evangelization on the university campus. One of his first street evangelization outings, he’s putting in to...

Getting Back Into the Saddle

Pensacola, FL. The mission of the priest is to be a witness of the Gospel, a minister of reconciliation, in the person of Christ the Head of the Church. Though priests do this in their parishes and other venues all the time, it is great to have them out on the streets...

Show Me A Sign, O Lord

Baltimore, MD. Many people look for signs from God. Some of these people need no sign; they know what they should do, but they ask for signs as a way of avoiding God. As Christ said, “A wicked and perverse generation seeks a sign. But no sign will be given it except...

Going on the Offensive

Milwaukee, WI. A first-time street-evangelizer learns certain truths very quickly. One of these truths is, simply: You gotta reach out; you gotta initiate! For the first outing of the new Milwaukee team, Dave and Tom set up their table in downtown Milwaukee along the...