Watertown, NY

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The following report comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Watertown, NY:

Today was unique in a number of ways: first, it was the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. Second, on the same day a Solar Eclipse occurred. Luckily for us in Watertown, we were in the path of totality where everything went dark for over three minutes. Because of this significant event, up to 10,000 people from across the country traveled to this area in order to witness the event. Great opportunity to evangelize!

We have a new dedicated member of the team, Dave, and he joined me on this evangelization outing. We went to Thompson Park to set up our table in the midst of a large crowd where we stayed for about seven hours. Yes, my bald head got sunburned!

We brought plenty of SPSE pamphlets, Miraculous Medals, Catholic literature, prayer cards, scapulars, and blessed rosaries. Furthermore, we provided free turkey and cheese sandwiches along with water, string cheese, and chips for anyone who may have been in need. It is also important to note that at this event, we came across a number of satanists who clearly displayed their symbol (via clothing/tattoos); however, they did not approach our table, even though they probably saw our material and observed what we were doing. There was also a station elsewhere in the park where you could pay for a tarot card/psychic reading along with a shop selling occult material. It is good we were there, because enemies of the faith are out evangelizing souls for their cause everyday, so it is good that we shall do it all the more!

Erin and Allison are a homeless couple. They approached our table with much enthusiasm. Dave and I introduced ourselves and began to learn more about their situation. They explained to us how they were kicked out of the homeless shelter because of excessive coughing/spitting into a cup because they became sick due to the communal nature of the living arrangements there. They told us how they helped out and were hard workers, but were met with stern rules that did not make much sense which ultimately led to their current situation now. Erin also explained to us how they go attend some of the local Protestant churches around our area, but have trouble going back because they see how some Christians act “righteous” in their assembly, then once they leave they begin acting crude with foul language.

Dave and I explained to them that the Lord’s creatures fall short in what we do all the time, and to not turn on Christ because of Judas. Our focus is on Him, and we are a work in progress, because He is the example we must follow. We also gave this couple community resources for shelter and food pantry, along with information on the nearest Catholic Churches in our area while encouraging them to check out the Holy Mass which is offered everyday. Before they departed, we gave them some food and water, information pamphlets on the Catholic faith and the sacraments, rosaries, instructions on how to pray the rosary, and Miraculous Medals. Please pray for Allison and Erin to find meaningful employment, adequate shelter, and to be drawn closer to the Lord’s Church in truth.

Praised be Jesus Christ!