Watertown, NY

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The following report is a continuation of yesterday’s story, which comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Watertown, NY:

A Russian Orthodox lady who spoke broken English came up to our table and looked at some of our prayer cards and images of Christ on them. After offering her some informational tracts on the Catholic faith, she asked me “why do they portray Christ as a white man, and why not as a darker skinned Jewish man?” Plainly, I reinforced the concept to this woman that “I don’t care what Jesus looks like, whether He was black, white, or even green, I would still follow Him, and so should you!” I also explained to the woman that there are many human divisions in the world and none of it is helpful. The woman agreed and then walked away.

Next we met Scott and his wife, who are Jewish, and came up to our table wanting some information to give to some of their friends. They explained to me how they did acknowledge Christ, but would not elaborate much further. I talked to them a bit about the Levitical Priesthood and Christ being for us Jews as well and who I was. They were very kind and respectful, but seemed to have been in a rush. Please pray for these descendents of Israel to come to the fullness of worship in Christ!

Finally, we met Maureen who is from Scranton, PA and took the drive up with her husband, who is a Lutheran, to witness the solar eclipse. She is Catholic, and told us about her faith journey, as she had a Marian medal and crucifix around her neck. I explained to her not to give up hope on the conversion of her husband, because when I was an atheist, I attacked and persecuted my wife’s faith, and I mocked the priests and accused them all of being pedophiles, while also opposing the infant baptism of my son. My wife still prayed for me and the Lord did not forget about me and converted me, and I told her not to give up hope and to keep praying. When I told her this she looked like she wanted to cry. She came up and gave me a hug. She then explained to Dave and I how the Holy Spirit came upon her once and taught her two complex songs on the Holy Light of Purity and Love. She sang these two songs for us at the table for a few minutes before the eclipse started, and it was beautiful and indescribable. Before Maureen walked up to our table, we were talking about family division and Satan splitting up families, and one of the lyrics in the song she sang to us mentioned this. When she got done, she explained to us how she is retired now and wanted to get working for the Lord in a new way. Dave and I explained to her how God has the best employee benefits package in comparison to other companies on the market. She chuckled at this. We also gave her a book on spiritual warfare because she expressed interest in this. Please pray for Maureen, a very holy woman, and for the conversion of her husband!

The Solar Eclipse appears and everything gets very cold and dark. Clouds are in the way but we can see it with our eyes safely and did not need any glasses. I took a few pictures of it and attached it in this posting. Please notice the cross coming out of the last image I took, even though I did not notice it when I was there!