Watertown, NY

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The following report is a continuation of yesterday’s story, which comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Watertown, NY:

Sean, who is a security guard for the Solar Eclipse event at Thompson Park approached our table when we were breaking down and about to leave. He explained to us how he only shows up to Easter vigil once a year for appearances sake, but hasn’t really attended Mass for the right reasons in about five years. He wanted some information on the Latin Mass. Dave was a great resource in this as he gave Sean locations, times, and Priest information who conduct such services. We also asked Sean why he considered genuinely returning to the faith. He told us because of the evil that’s growing in the world. We explained to him that when evil increases, grace increases all the more, and that the more sinners sin, the more of a right we have to His mercy. Dave and I also promoted the rosary to him while giving him a rosary and instructions on how to pray it. We also emphasized that it starts with prayer, which is a conversion of the heart, and replacing worldly things and thoughts that lead us to sin on the mysteries of Christ so we can replace our thoughts and mind with His so we have a mind like Christ and in this way we will draw our hearts closer to Him. The fruit of this is monthly Masses turning into weekly Masses, and weekly Masses turning into daily Masses because your heart longs to be in the Lord’s presence. Sean was happy with this and said he would consider it. We also gave Sean pamphlets on reasons to return to the Catholic Church. Please pray for Sean to return to the Church fully in body, spirit, and heart!

As me and Dave were breaking down, Laura from the Cricket wireless station came up to us. She wanted information on the Catholic Church. We gave her pamphlets explaining the faith and sacramentals. She told us she was not Catholic, while also seeming to be in a hurry, but that she would consider the faith. Please pray for Laura’s conversion!

Throughout the rest of the day, we had many other encounters with people, especially children and mothers who came out for rosaries, information on the Church, and for some free food that we were providing. Dave did an excellent job in meeting the needs of these people and pointing them towards Christ and the Church. We also found out that many of them traveled from New Jersey and Maryland. Please, pray for all of these people we encountered and for their safe travels. Many people are hurt and confused, and there are many different influences in the world leading them down the wrong path, as Dave and I witnessed families with children shopping for occult items. Please also pray for them that they will find the Lord as well.

Praised be Jesus Christ!