Kenner, LA
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The following report comes to us from Jamillah with our team in Kenner, LA:
On our previous outing, we encountered several grieving widows. After praying for them and getting in touch with the pastor about our encounters, the thought of their pain and loss continued to haunt us. The prayer warriors continue to pray that they’ll be healed. I was a bit overwhelmed by the immense amount of grieving and discussed with my prayer partner whether we should do more.
On First Saturdays, we have a special devotion to Mary. It starts with confession then follows with the Rosary and Mass. This is also the day for our door to door outing. We met at Adoration for a moment of silence in the presence of the Lord. The night before an old spiritual kept ringing in my head, “Precious Lord lead me home.” It persisted as I prayed. So, the thought that Betty and I should follow up with each of the grieving persons was put into action. We checked our roster for the addresses of those who’d responded that they wanted to talk to the priest, then headed back for a second encounter with them. Our first stop was to consult with the woman who’d lost so many close relatives, but no one answered the door. Next was the widow who had recently lost her husband. We were able to speak with her.
At first, she was defensive about a call from the pastor (that she had not answered). After more discussion, we noticed that she softened. I began to ask her questions. Are you Catholic? She replied, “yes”. Then I suggest that she read a few of the pamphlets and I read them off slowly. I suggested that she read “Ten Reasons Why You Should Return to the Catholic Church”. I realized that I’d made an assumption but it was too late. So I hazarded forward with the next question. Have you seen our Confession pamphlet? I noticed she was tuned into the title as I read it. So, I pressed onward about the contents. “This gives you a step-by-step explanation on why one should go to confession.” While holding the pamphlet in full view, I continued to explain that the pamphlet gives a step-by-step instruction of what to do and say during confession. Next, I mentioned that it contained an examination of conscience as a valuable tool for those who may not have been to confession for some time. It occurred to me that I also use it on a regular basis, so I gave my “one good reason” why I use it. “Going to confession reminds me of being called to the principal’s office which always made me nervous”. She smiled and reached for it. Before leaving for the next house, we gave her some additional readings such as Praying the Rosary, the First Saturday pamphlet along with a St. Jerome bulletin. As we left, I felt that our visit had given her a way to return home.
After my prayer partner and I returned to our car, we discussed that the follow up should be a regular part of our door-to-door outings. Reaching out seems to open people up to returning to a possible return to the Eucharist. We prayed our parting prayer that the Holy Spirit leads her home to the Catholic Church!
Praised be Jesus Christ!