Chelsea, MI

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This report comes to us from team leader Kathleen with our St. Mary team in Chelsea, MI:

We all remember the incredible joy of holding a newborn for the first time or hearing the priest pronounce us man and wife on our wedding day. Here’s another one we can all relate to – the pure joy of praying with a total stranger in need.

At a recent community Expo featuring dozens of vendors that drew a large crowd, a woman told us that because of a deep family wound, she has not heard from her estranged daughter or held her grandchildren in several years. The pain this woman shared called out to us so how could we not offer to pray with her for healing and family reconciliation? All the noise and all the commotion of the crowd of people swirling around us just evaporated as we held hands and prayed openly for the intercession and guidance of the Holy Spirit and after this dear woman blotted tears of thanksgiving from her eyes, she walked away (with a Rosary in her hand) thinking, perhaps, that the Catholics in our community truly are a blessing. This was just one example of how St. Paul Street Evangelization ministry is sharing the gospel with the spiritually hungry of our community. Please keep our SPSE team in your prayers and know that you are in ours!

Praised be Jesus Christ!