Norwalk, OH

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This report comes to us from team leader David with our team in Vermilion, OH:

Last summer during an evangelization outing, we met a family of four with the grandmother at the Huron County Fair in Norwalk. The dad told us he was baptized Catholic, but there was no other religious involvement beyond that. The grandma said she would never be a Catholic. The mom mentioned she was no particular religion, but had been in a few Protestant churches over the years. However, she wanted to have her kids baptized. As it turns out, over the past year God has worked in a powerful way and they got more than they bargained for. All five went through OCIA at our parish in Vermilion. At the Easter vigil, the grandmother received confirmation and first holy communion. She now tells me, “I’m so happy I’m Catholic!” The daughter received all three sacraments and is now discerning a religious vocation with the help of the deacon. The boy had all three sacraments and is now an altar server at the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays. We’re rejoicing because of what we’re seeing God do!

Praised be Jesus Christ!