Watertown, NY

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The following report comes to us from team leader Scott with our team in Watertown, NY:

It was a cold and windy day for The 2nd Annual Anti-Bullying Softball Tournament in Watertown, NY. It was on the third and last day of the event at Kostyk Field across the street from the Jefferson County Fairground and a day after NFL Buffalo Bills retired linebacker Darrel Talley showed up to sign autographs, raffle off a signed football, and to raise money for charity in support of the event. My friend Matthew (nicknamed Spider) is the event organizer, and I knew him from a job I had recently worked at. Spider is a faithful Catholic and officially a Bills megafan. (He is also accredited for hitting Kansas City Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes with a snowball on national TV the day the Bills lost in the ’24 playoffs.) He is also passionate about anti-bullying. A long time ago, one of his relatives committed suicide because of bullies, so he dedicates this event every year to honor his memory. Please keep the soul of Daniel in your prayers.

My partner Dave, who is a Third Order Carmelite, came out with me to this event and had some fruitful discussions with some people. Although not as many people came on the third day, as the second day of the event had camera crews and a celebrity (we could not setup on the second day because it just so happened to be the day I took my first promise at St. Rose of Lima church in Syracuse, NY to follow the rule of Saint Dominic for three years), by the grace of the Living God, we hopefully reached someone. We set up our table right behind the batting cage near the bleachers and got to enjoy multiple softball games between competing teams in the tournament in between our evangelization encounters.

Phil approached our table. He is a security guard pulling security for the event. He explained to us how security was required by the city to host this event because of an incident last year when rival team members in the tournament attacked each other with bats. Phil talked to us about many topics; politics, the state of division in this country, new age trends that the youth are picking up on that is opposed to Church teaching, and some more personal trials and tribulations Phil has experienced in the past within his family and regarding his faith. Phil says he believes in Christ, and that “anybody who forgets God will be in trouble in the world today.” Phil explained to me that he is Catholic and served as an altar boy when he was a child. He also has a son named Anthony who served in the military, but now works with him in security pulling jobs at concerts, bars, and high risk events. He also has an armed guard license which is very difficult to get in the state of New York. He told us about his experience in this field and how challenging it can be with some of the people he comes across who put him to the test, especially people who are intoxicated. For an older gentleman, Phil handles himself well and is tough as nails!

Praised be Jesus Christ!