Boise, ID

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The following report comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

Suffering affects us all. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.

“Marty” put in an appearance, and “Uwe” walked quickly past twice. “Stephen” said something I didn’t hear, though his tone seemed to have returned to snarky. Somewhat later in the session, his coworker hurried by, greeting us cheerfully. Please keep all the “regulars” in your prayers: Stephen, his Catholic co-worker, Marty, Uwe, and the homeless man with a walker, that they may hear Christ knocking and open the door.

A dad brought his preschool daughter over for a free Rosary. I’m not sure whether they were even Christian. I tried to explain the devotion to the girl, but suddenly realized she was talking way over the child’s head. Chuck talked with the dad.

A Catholic couple from the other side of the country were passing through on their way to visit a daughter. They felt encouraged by seeing us out there.

A group of three homeless people stopped. One of the men was Catholic and said he already had a Rosary. The woman chose one, but didn’t seem to understand the explanation. She soon wandered off, and I tried to encourage the man to teach her the Rosary. He replied, “You saw how she is. She can’t learn anything.” Chuck talked with the other man. As they left, one evangelist remarked to the other, “There go three souls in a great deal of pain!” Lord, have mercy.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts.