Boise, ID

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The following report is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

A man stopped. He had “grown up Catholic” but had, like all his siblings, “went off and found Christ in other places”. He picked out a Rosary to wear. but declined its pamphlet saying, “Look what I’ve got on. Who am I kidding?” and went on his way. What he “had on” were a couple of bags slung over his shoulder, so we guessed that he was living on the street. Pray for him and all who have strayed, are lost. and are tempted to give up, that they will find hope in the voice of the Good Shepherd.

A woman said she had her deceased mother’s Rosary, but that it was too delicate to pray with. So, she picked out a sturdy string Rosary and accepted its pamphlet with a, “Yes, I’m going to need that.” May her fond memories of her natural mother lead her to a closer relationship with Our Savior through our Spiritual Mother that He gave us.

Our last visitor was a tall, heavyset homeless man. His non-stop conversation seemed coherent at first, but it soon became apparent that he was simply stringing random thoughts together. He talked about such things as “the Hebrew New Testament”, and quickly moved from topic to topic. One thing that did make sense was when he said he “imbibed quite a bit”. Besides a Rosary, he asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card and a copy of our “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet (because it was printed on orange paper). Then he opened the pamphlet to a random page and started reading words that weren’t there. Please pray that he, and all who suffer from mental illness, may find peace and healing in the Lord.

Although the weather was dry and sunny, there was not a skateboard in sight and foot traffic was unusually light. Still, we were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts.
Christ redeemed our fallen world, and the end will be worth the wait. Meanwhile, may we do God’s will and offer hope, courage, and kindness to our brothers and sisters in pain. And, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. May God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!