Kenner, LA

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The following report comes to us from Chuck, an Evangelist and Prayer Warrior for the team in Kenner, LA:

After knocking on doors for a couple of blocks, we knocked on the door of a middle-aged man. Colleen and I introduced ourselves and explained our Evangelization mission. He stated that he is Muslim. We asked if he would allow us to pray with him. He agreed and together we prayed to the Creator, God of all, and for the propagation of peace and love to all. While the prayer went further, the feeling of sharing the love of God was there. It was an unexpected, very good encounter.

Our next encounter was with an elderly man at his home. You could feel the sense of need in the air. At first glance, we could tell that he was ill. He explained that they were Catholic but had been going to a non-denominational church. He went on to explain that he’d had multiple strokes. His wife joined him at the door. Jamillah and Colleen offered them prayer, and expressed the Savior’s love for them. Then we invited them for a celebration with us at the enthronement of the Blessed Virgin Mary happening Tuesday at St. Jerome. Colleen gave each of them Miraculous Medals, as well as contact information for their parish of St. Jerome and its Pastor. They talked about their love for the Adoration Chapel at Our Lady of Perpetual Help which is several miles away. We offered them information about two other adoration chapels nearer to them; the 24hr Adoration Chapel at Divine Mercy Parish and the daily morning adoration Chapel at St. Jerome Parish. Colleen shared about her joyful relationship and encounters with the Blessed Mother and how Mary can help them, also. They were given the First Saturday devotion and explained that today was the fifth Saturday of the First Saturday Devotion.

Jamillah started us praying with them, and for them with focus on his health and calling on the Lord for healing. When this was finished and I looked up, they were in tears, and seemingly full of grace and gratitude. His wife then said that she had heart issues. So, we continued to pray to include her health needs. They asked for our contact information just in case they needed to call us. Colleen and Chuck left their information. If they were the only people we encountered in all of the many doors that we knocked on today, then it was all worth it.

Praised be Jesus Christ!