Waxahachie, TX
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The following report comes to us from team leader Joseph with our St. Joseph parish team in Waxahachie, TX:
Every first Saturday in May, the City of Waxahachie allows for the celebration of Cinco de Mayo that is sponsored by a local Hispanic organization. It usually draws several thousand people, so we planned on evangelizing during the event.
I first arrived at the downtown park we used before but realized it would not be a good place to have discussions as food trucks were set up on the street with their generators making a noisy environment. So I waited for the remainder of the team there and prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We know that God will send us those he wants us to interact with for His purpose through the Holy Spirit. We need to only be obedient and sensitive to the Spirit’s guidance.
Once the team arrived, we moved to a less noisy location. I was a little apprehensive about the new location as I didn’t know if there would be enough foot traffic. I should not have worried as people began approaching us even before we finished setting up our table. Thankfully, we had enough team members to greet and talk with visitors while still finishing the set up. I am so thankful for the participation of fellow Catholics in this ministry.
We know that we can offer rosaries or medals to a dozen or more people, but there are always a few we can sense that God has a real purpose for their visiting. One such person was Natasha and her family, recent converts to Catholicism at the past Easter Vigil. While it is not always our focus to minister to practicing Catholics, it is fulfilling to have them stop by and answer questions they may have about the True Faith. We of course encourage and edify each other and we pray the new converts are encouraged by our efforts to represent the truth on the streets (and of course, to start their own team or join ours).
Praised be Jesus Christ!