Waxahachie, TX
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The following report is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Joseph with our St. Joseph parish team in Waxahachie, TX:
We noticed a man coming down the street wearing “cannabis advocacy” apparel. I offered him a free Rosary and his countenance changed immediately and he readily accepted the offer. We asked if he was Catholic to which he said “yes” but he no longer attended Mass. His name is Luis and he said he just stopped going after being raised in the Church. After some conversation, he pulled out his phone and said, “ร want to show you something”. He showed us a picture of a framed, very large printed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in his house surrounded by flowers and candles. He said he inherited it from his grandmother and is probably over 100 years old. Luis said his abuela was from Mexico City, so another team member told him that the image he had of the tilma could be a relic itself or at the least, blessed, so it is good he still has it in a place of honor. Luis said he still has a party at his house each December on the anniversary of Our Lady’s visitations to Juan Diego. I emphasized to Luis that it was no coincidence that he met us and slipped him a pamphlet on confession and encouraged him to return to Mass and the Sacraments. He then invited us all to his house in December for the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Another encounter involved a man named David. David was alone and stopped when offered a rosary. There seemed to be pall of sadness about him when he spoke. We asked if he went to church, and he said he went to a local Protestant, non-denominational church. I asked if there was anything he needed prayer for. He told us that his family had been hurt by his daughter’s experience of abuse by another family member. This tragedy caused a rift between him and his daughter and stress within his marriage. This as well as his son being addicted to drugs. We all prayed for David, that God will sustain him during this time and the grace to endure. He also accepted a Miraculous Medal and allowed me to place it on his neck. We continue to pray for David and his family that they may come through this terrible time and be made whole again.
Praised be Jesus Christ! It is a privilege to be allowed to pray with others, helping them shoulder their burdens and embrace the truth.