Greenville, SC

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This report comes from team leader Caleb with the team in Greenville, SC:

After setting up, we quickly met Gail who was selling items at the table next to ours. I had a long conversation with her, listening to her story about her last husband who passed away whom she loved very much.

I found out that it was her second marriage and she had to leave the first because he was unfaithful and verbally abusive. He was an alcoholic. I used alcoholism as an extreme example of a problem that all of us face: we all have a deep insatiable desire that never seems to be satisfied but that we keep trying to satisfy with the passing things of this world. It’s an eternal hunger. I told her this alone proves that 1) we are made for eternity – we have an eternal soul, and 2) that there is a God and only He can satisfy this desire. We all want eternal happiness, and Christ made that relationship possible. She couldn’t agree more. She spent much time after that listening in to our conversations with others who approached our table.

We met others for whom I ask you to pray: Old Buddy and his son Young Buddy – Old Buddy watched his dad shoot his mom dead when he was teenager – they believe deeply in God and in Christ our Savior but do not attend a church. We prayed together. His daughter Angel was present with her two sons; Nicolas and Marcos – their father is Catholic and they took some rosaries with pamphlets on how to pray it.

Pray for Lucas, a young man, who asked me what parish I belonged to and he informed me he is in the process of joining the Catholic Church by attending RCIA at OLR in Greenville. He is struggling with some personal problems and needs strong intercessory prayer and encouragement to overcome them.

Later, two women and their dad stopped by to talk. They were Catholics from China and happy to talk to Caleb in Chinese since he evangelized in China for 8 years. They were also glad to see Catholics evangelizing as we were to see Catholics from China.