Boise, ID

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The following story comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:

An especially wide range of visitors encountered us. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.

Just as we were setting up, a man we like to playfully call “the merchant” came by, jostling his walker ahead of him, but not leaning on it. (It would seem that the walker is used merely to carry stuff.) He offered us a candy bar and something else, which we declined, exchanging pleasantries.

A nicely dressed older couple looked like they were going to just walk on by. But then the woman surprised us by coming to select a Rosary. She had been raised Catholic, and missed the devotion, she said. May the Lord draw her all the way back into full communion in His Church.

A good natured, bearded man in his 30s, accompanied by wife and three very young children, asked Chuck for “a quick lesson” on praying the Rosary. Our visitor told us he “listens a lot” to Catholic radio and really likes “Dr. Ray”. He chose a Rosary and accepted a copy of its pamphlet.

A homeless-looking man declined a Rosary, but proceeded to share his philosophy, which doubts any hope of knowing truth. When e. Chuck pointed to the unique and singular nature of Christianity, he waved it off as being merely our “perspective” and claimed that other religions claimed to be just as true. The evangelist tried to point out that all religions can’t be true. But our visitor interrupted, again asserting that that was merely our perspective. He then walked away without letting us engage him further. Pray for this man, and for all trapped in the self-contradictory and dead end idea that truth cannot be found, that the one true Lord, God, free them from this deceptive philosophy and draw them to Himself, Who alone can save them.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts.
We don’t know what to expect, but God does. And He wants each of the people saved. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In return, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!