Boise, ID
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The following story is a continuation of yesterday’s story and comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:
Just as the die-hard agnostic was walking away, “Stephen the atheist” paused at the table. He shook Chuck’s hand, patted him on the back, and said, “Aren’t you too old for imaginary friends?” The evangelist replied, as Stephen went on his way, “Aren’t you too young not to have any?” For the most part, our exchanges with Stephen last only a few seconds. But we are thankful they have changed from hostile insults into the trading of good-natured barbs. Pray that Stephen will take the time to stop for a deeper discussion.
A heavily bearded, homeless man paused at our offer of a free Rosary. He looked over the Rosaries on the table with a confused look on his face. He picked one up. Then he put it back down, and wandered off without taking one. Lord, have mercy on all those suffering with mental illness!
A 20-something man stopped by. One of the evangelists commented on his black gauge earrings, which were more than an inch in diameter. He talked about starting the process “way back in high school”. He showed no interest in the Rosaries or Christianity. He passed by again later in the session and waved to us.
A man stopped for a Rosary. He said, “Hey! You’re here every year when I pass through.” We set him up with a(nother) Rosary. He’s an inactive Catholic, so we also encouraged him to get reconnected with the Sacraments.
A 20-something couple zoomed by on scooters, but looped back to us. The woman accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. The man, who was wearing a cap sporting the logo of a major team, declined. May St. James intercede to lead him to Christ!
A group of people were quickly walking past the table, when one man in his 30s declined our offer by saying, “I’m [a member of the ancient religion to which Jesus belonged]”. The man then quickly moved out of earshot before we could engage him in conversation.
The weather remained cold and damp (although the fountain in the center of the business park had been turned back on). Foot traffic was fairly light and hurried, but the three evangelists were still able to give away about 20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts.