Anderson, SC

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The following report comes to us from team leader Caleb with our team in Greenville, SC:

Ernesto and I decided this week to go to the Jockey Lot on a Saturday. We’d heard stories that it was much fuller on Saturdays and found this to be true. We pray before our outings that the Holy Spirit would guide people to us and inspire us to share the Truth. There weren’t many who wanted to engage us, however we did have some very meaningful encounters.

We talked with Elias, whose 20 year old daughter Anna is in Columbia, SC studying speech therapy. He is Catholic and explained that even though she was baptized Catholic, after entering college has since fallen away even though she still wears the Brown Scapular. He showed us that he is still wearing his. He wanted some material to give to her to convince her of the truths of our faith, so we gave him the booklet “Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth”. I invited him to pray then and there, so we prayed for Anna together.

We next met Alton, a gentleman wearing a gold cross. He told me his father built the Jockey Lot and used to run a large shop there. He wanted to talk about his goal in life which was finding his true self. I tried to redirect from self alone, that finding your true self in God was important. I talked about the human’s inherent and natural dignity being created in the image of God, therefore finding our true uncorrupted self, our identity in God can help us find God and know that He loves us. I shared my struggle with this, both past and even now because of distractions and sin. Life is a struggle against the things that want to distort the image of God in us. True self is the image of God and cannot be realized until we understand how much God loves us and that He created us good. I began to share with him about Jesus, who sets us free from the things that drag us down, but he seemed to want to divert the conversation, until I found out he did not believe Jesus was equal with God. I could see he didn’t want to go much further as he began to talk about how he writes his thoughts down and then recited a poem he’d just written based on our conversion. I asked him before he left if he wanted any prayer. He said he’d rather pray for the world, so I prayed for the people of the world to find their true selves in God, to realize how much God loves them, and set them free.

Praised be Jesus Christ!