Harrisburg, PA
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The following report comes to us from COO Adam Janke who gave a Basic Evangelization Training at St. Columba and then evangelized with the attendees afterwards in Harrisburg, PA:
Today I “flipped the script”, as the young people like to say. I stopped by and talked to our Evangelical friends who were out evangelizing. Spoke with a very nice gentleman. The thing is, sometimes evangelicals tend to try to turn things more confrontational when it comes to Catholics. If I find myself talking to them, I always try to turn it around on them right away, and get them talking rather than asking questions. I said, “Hey, how are you? What’s your name? When did you give your heart to Jesus?” He was caught off guard. All of the sudden he’s starting to answer my questions. “1982”, he said, with a surprised tone. I said, “That’s great. Are you from around here?” It just completely got him off his game. He said, “you sound like you’re a believer…” I said “I gave my heart to Jesus in Dayton, OH while I was on a mission trip. I’m here with St. Columba, the Catholic Church over there.” He is shocked that we’re Catholic evangelizing, and tries to get on the defensive again, but I’ve already got him. It’s a great thing…today we let him know that Catholics are believers too.
Praised be Jesus Christ!